Top Dives in the Carribean:

Our Picks for Best Dive Sites in the Islands

With all the great dive sites in the Caribbean, it's hard to narrow down the top dives. But we do get asked alot "What is the best dive you have ever done?" So this is our attempt to answer that question.

Now, please keep in mind that this is a very subjective list. And if we dove the same site tomorrow, it may not make the list. Conditions change. Marine life at the site may be different. The dive group can affect the quality of a dive.

And so on. And so on. You get the picture.

With that being said, here is our list of the top dives - the ones we still remember to this day:

Bloody Bay Wall, Little Cayman
    We were actually staying on Cayman Brac when we did this dive (the two islands are only 7 miles apart). This is usually rated one of the top dive sites in the Caribbean (if not the world) and understandably so.

    After this dive, we said we would have to come back and stay on Little Cayman to dive more of this wall. There's nothing like going over this wall and staring down into the abyss. And what's wrong with lobster hanging out at 94 feet? Definitely a dive to remember.

    Read our guide to the Cayman Islands here.

  • Pidgeon, Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

  • This one is usually a surprise (and to us too because the rest of the diving we did in Bequia was good but not spectacular). However, this dive was wonderful. It was just my husband, myself and the divemaster (right there it is better than alot of dives).

    The water was crystal clear and the sun was shining on the coral, making the colors brilliant. There was a slight current so we could just drift along the reef with barely a kick. Lots of marine life to observe.

    I remember thinking, "This is why I dive." It was just a fantastic, easy underwater sightseeing trip. Definitely one of the top dives we have done.

  • Wreck of the Chikuzen, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Wreck of the Chikuzen, Tortola, BVI

This site is off of Tortola's east end and 12 miles NW of virgin Gorda. Luckily, the weather cooperated and we were able to get out there (we were staying on Virgin Gorda).

When we descended the mooring line to wait for the other divers, we went straight into a huge school of barracuda. Now I'm used to seeing a lone barracuda, or a few together, but there had to be at least a hundred of them (and this is no fish tale!).

And this was just at the bottom of the mooring line

We saw black tip sharks, lots of stingrays, horse-eye jacks, pompano, spadefish and lots more. This is the place to come if you like big fish and lots of fish. And to top it all off, we heard whales singing at the end of the dive. And we haven't even mentioned the wreck. How could it not be one of our top dives?

We haven't done our review of Tortola yet (we will get to it!), but you can see our guide to Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands here.

  • Horseshoe, Cozumel, Mexico

  • Cozumel has alot of great dives and dive sites but this one stands out. This site has incredible formations with tunnels in and around the formations. We saw a ton of marine life including eels, sharks, barracudas to name just a few.

    The visibility was fantastic when we dove here. A cool dive and definitely on of the top dives in Cozumel. You can read a review of one of our Cozumel scuba diving vacations and also a guide to drift diving in Cozumel for more information on scuba diving in Cozumel.

    See our complete guide to Cozumel, Mexico here.

  • Name Unknown, Bimini, Bahamas

  • I know, I'm sorry - but you'll be able to find it. We went over to Bimini from Florida in my brother-in-law's boat. We tied up at a mooring buoy while we got ready. Then we jumped in. And that was the start of one great, fun drift dive. We were flying!

    Along the way, we saw an underwater plaque dedicated to someone that had died. So between the mooring buoy and the plaque, one of the dive shops or a local will be able to tell you where we were (my brother-in-laws's GPS broke so we lost the coordinates). Next time we go to Bimini, we will find it again and I will post the update. Or, if anyone knows this site, please let me know.

    You can read our guide to Bimini, Bahamas here.

So there you have it. Our list of the top dives we have done in the Caribbean. If you dive these sites, we hope you enjoy them as much as we did. Let us know, we would love to hear from you.

Click here to see other readers' picks for their top dives and let us know your top dive by using the quick form below.

Have a great dive!

Photo by oymindles and Gillux. Thanks!

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