Scuba Diving Equipment Information
and Gear Guides

The good news: scuba diving is a heck of alot of fun.

The bad news: scuba diving requires a heck of alot of equipment.

And some of that dive equipment can get pretty pricey if you plan on purchasing your own.

However, good scuba diving equipment information can make the use and/or purchase of scuba gear a bit easier. To that end, I have written several guides so you have all the information you need to understand all aspects of the gear you will be using.

If you don't find what you are looking for, please let me know and I will do my best to see you have all the information you need.

Masks & Snorkels

Here you will learn how to find your best dive mask and snorkel. This guide will introduce you to the types and styles of dive masks, how to get the proper fit, how to care for and maintain your mask and how to keep it from fogging. You will also find information on a prescription mask if you need and/or want one. This is a great place to start since a mask can make or break a dive. You will also find info on the features of a snorkel, choosing the best snorkel and more. Use the link above to access this section of our scuba diving equipment information and gear guides.


What guide of information on scuba diving equipment would be complete without information on wetsuits? You will find lots of information here including how to buy and put on a wetsuit, a repair guide and how to care for your wetsuit. I have also prepared individual guides to wetsuit material, wetsuit thickness and sizes/fit. You should have all the information you need to know to get that perfect wetsuit. Use the link above to access this section of our scuba gear guides.

Diver with gear ready to in the water.

Fins and Booties

My list of guides to scuba gear information continues with my pages on scuba fins and booties. Here you will find the different types and styles you will need to choose from. You will also learn how to get the proper fit and how to care for those scuba fins once you purchase them. The guide ends with information on scuba booties including boot thickness, soles, cut, size, fit and care and maintenance. Use the link above to access this section of our scuba diving equipment information and gear guides.

Dive Computers

One of my favorite pieces of scuba gear. Without it, we'd be diving the tables and having very short dives! In these guides I give basic information on dive computers, including what questions to ask before purchasing your computer. The guide also discusses the different types and styles you can choose from. You will also find information on dive logs, software, batteries and, perhaps most importantly, price. Use the link above to access this section of our scuba gear guides.

Scuba Regulators

A guide to what is probably the most important piece of scuba gear - your regulator. Here you can find out how the regulator works and keeps you breathing underwater. We also have a guide to show you what you should be looking for when choosing a regulator and how to get the best scuba regulator for you. Once you make that purchase, we give you tips on maintenance for your reg. After all, it is a sizable investment, you really should protect it. Use the link above to access this section of our scuba diving gear guides.

Scuba diver checking his air pressure in tank.

Scuba BCD's

A scuba BCD can be a big investment so we give you the info you need to know before laying out your hard earned cash. We take you through the basics of a buoyancy compensator, explain all the parts you will see, how to choose the best scuba BCD for you and how to care for that BC once you make the plunge and purchase one. Use the link above to access this section of our scuba diving equipment information and gear guides.

Dive Watches

This guide begins with a primer on dive watches and goes on to discuss the different types of watches you will need to choose from. You'll also find information on watch care, maintenance and repair. I'll also give you my take on whether a cheap dive watch is a good idea or not. Use the link above to access this section of our scuba diving equipment information and gear guides.

Scuba Diving Accessories

There are a ton of scuba diving accessories available. Which ones do you really need? We discuss different types of accessories and how important they really are.

You'll find info on safety sausages, dive lights, dive knives, dive slates, tank bangers, compasses, scuba compressor, used scuba compressors, gear bags and much more. Click here for scuba diving accessories information.

More Gear Information:

An Explanation of Scuba Gear

If you are new to diving and don't know or understand all the gear that is required, this page may be helpful. I list all the scuba gear you will need to dive and also explain how it all works. This is probably a good place to start if you are new to diving or need a refresher.

Kids Snorkeling Gear

Have some children that are interested in getting in water themselves? Let them begin by snorkeling - many kids favorite activity. See what special considerations there are before purchasing a child's snorkeling equipment

Hopefully this scuba gear information will help make your diving a more enjoyable experience. I will be writing more guides, so check back if I haven't covered what you need. Also, you can search this site in the search bar below to find the information you are looking for.

Our picks for best scuba diving gear in all categories.

 Want to stay down longer and improve your buoyancy control and other diving skills? Our free report "Increase Your Bottom Time" along with our practical, weekly actionable tips will have you looking like a seasoned diver in no time. So come join us and see improvement on your very next dive!
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Top of Scuba Diving Equipment Information