Information on Scuba Diving:
Your Questions and Answers

Since I have been getting quite a few questions for information on scuba diving via email, I decided to build this page of questions and answers.

That way, you may find your question already answered or, if you don't, you can ask away and everyone can benefit.

information on scuba diving; diver clipart

I will answer all questions promptly. But a great feature of this page is that everyone can contribute. If you see a question you know the answer to, want more information on, etc. just use the comments box to add your input.

There is no registration required so everyone can jump in. You can become my coexpert by submitting your comments, experiences, tips, etc. I would love to have help here and I know other readers would appreciate the information on scuba diving.

When you ask a question, I will build a page exclusively for that question. If you need additional information on that question, you can just ask via the comment box. What is so great, is that other readers can add their information here too.

I will ask, however, that if you have a question that is unrelated to the one on that particular page, please submit a separate form for that question. That way, other readers will easily be able to find the questions they are looking for.

It would be great if everyone could ask one or answer one. We can build a wonderful resource for scuba divers that is free and easy to use.

That's about it. No registration, rules or other hassles. Ask and answer away. Have fun!

(Note: We do not have scuba diving jobs, nor do we maintain a directory of dive jobs here at So unfortunately, we will not be able to answer those inquiries asking for dive employment.

In addition, we get alot of questions. While we will do our best to answer all inquiries, please do a search on the site first to see if we have answered your question previously. Due to volume and time constraints, we simply won't be able to answer those questions that we have already addressed before.

Thanks for your understanding and we look forward to hearing from you.)

Just scroll down below the form to see questions, answers and comments from fellow divers.

What is your scuba diving question?

Just fill in the form below to ask your question. Don't forget to check back soon for answers and comments left by me and other fellow divers.

Your Scuba Diving Questions.... Answered

Read what fellow divers have asked, along with the the answers and comments they have received, by clicking on the links below.

How Do I Handle A Panic Situation Underwater? 
On dive #2 of my checkout dives, I had trouble equalizing my right ear on descent. I remembered that I should stop, ascend a little, try to equalize and …

How Long Can A Person Stay Underwater When Scuba Diving? 
Hi, I was wondering, as I'm new at this, how long can a scuba diver be submerged under water before the the scuba tanks are empty on an average tank …

Completing Scuba Open Water Certification After Book Work (elearning) 
Hello, Question: How long to complete scuba diving open water certification after I finish my book work through an elearning course? My name …

Scuba Diving and Dive Shops In Caye Caulker, Belize 
Hi, I've read the page Scuba Diving in Caye Caulker, Belize . I am planning a trip to Belize and I would like to know if you have a list of scuba diving …

Buying Snorkel And Swimming Goggles; No Dive Mask 
Hi, I saw your website with regards to a Snorkel tube. Is it possible just to buy the snorkel tube and then attach it to my regular swimming goggles …

Certified As A Junior Diver: Upgrade To Full Open Water Diver Certification? 
Hi, I was certified about 4 years ago and I believe I was certified as a Junior Diver. I was wondering if I had to do anything to become a full open …

Record Number of Scuba Dives Per Person 
Hi, I would like to know what the record number of scuba dives is for one person? A friend of mine says he's done 5328 dives in 4 years at 2 months …

Dive Buddy - Can You Dive Alone 
Hi, I would like to know if you can dive alone? In other words, do you need a dive buddy to go scuba diving? Thanks for the question. Technically, …

Scuba Diving At Sea World and/or Disney World 
I would like to inquire about scuba diving in Sea World. Some time ago I surfed the net and saw where Disney allows experienced scuba divers to dive with …

Problems Equalizing While Scuba Diving: How to Equalize Ear Pressure 
Hi, I am having problems equalizing my ear pressure while scuba diving. I recently took training for my open water dive certification. I managed …

Assembling New Scuba Regulator and Octopus 
Great site guys! Maybe this is a silly question? I just bought a new regulator (Sherwood sr1) over the internet. I also bought new gauges and an octopus, …

Review of Scuba Diving in the Dominican Republic - Good or Bad? 
I think that I found a good school in the Dominican Republic to get my PADI scuba diving certification. I notice that you do not mention the Dominican …

Introduction To Scuba Diving - First Time Bad Experience! 
I went to my local dive shop yesterday for my introduction to scuba diving course. I was so excited to finally take this step. My wife and I are finally …

Open Water Certification Dive Question 
I would like your opinion about our open water certification dive. My question is how should a instructor handle the following scenario? Two students …

How Long Does Air In Scuba Tank Last? 
I bought a new scuba tank 12 years ago and never used it. The tank is now 12 years old. Is the air still safe to use? Hi Robert, Thanks for getting …

How Much Air Is In A Scuba Diving Tank? 
How much air can a scuba diving tank hold? Hi, Thanks for getting in touch. For the purposes of this discussion, I am going to assume we are talking …

How Do I Clean Salty Residue On Scuba Diving Mask? 
I've bought a new dive mask and used it for my first fun scuba dive trip. After I cleaned the mask at home, I realized there is still some residue on my …

Buoyancy Control And Tipping For Certification Dives 
I am a little concerned about my buoyancy control and what to tip for my certification dives. I'm taking my 4 open water dives for certification in …

Scuba Diving Depth and Blood Pressure 
Is there any correlation between one's blood pressure and the depth to which they descend? In other words, does one's blood pressure increase at depth? …

How Long Should I Wait to Fly After Diving? 
Hi, I can't remember the rule on flying after diving . Do I have to wait for 24 hours after diving or is it dependent on the time under water? …

Dive Mask With Purge Valve 
Hello, I'm going to buy my first scuba diving mask (finally) and I was wondering which one is better, a dive mask with a purge valve or one without? …

The Meaning of BWARF on a Pre-dive Checklist 
Hi, Could you tell me what BWARF on a pre-dive checklist means? Sure thing. BWARF is actually a PADI acronym for a final pre-dive check. I was certified …

Do you have to be certified to dive? 
Hi Dianne, I would like to know if there is a law that says you have to be certified to dive? Also is there any punishment for diving without being …

Scuba Diving and High Blood Pressure 
I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and medication is controlling it. Am I still allowed to go scuba diving? Hi Y.C., I will preface this …

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How Old do You Have to be to Get Certified? 
My son has become very interested in scuba diving, but he is only 9 years old. I thought that in Alabama you had to be a certain age to become certified, …

Bezel on a Dive Watch 
Hello, I have always been curious about the fact that dive watch bezels have distinct markings for 0 - 15 minutes; what is the significance of the first …

How Deep Can Scuba Divers Go Safely? 
Hi, I would like to know how deep scuba divers are able to dive and still be safe? What is the limit on how far scuba divers can dive? Hi Tommy, …

Age Requirement for Junior Open Water Diver Certification 
How old do you have to be to get your Junior Diver certification in Oklahoma? Hi, There are varying age requirements for your Junior Open Water Diver …

Best Snorkel Gear Or Set For Our Snorkeling Vacation Not rated yet
Hi, My family is taking a trip to Bayahibe, Dominican Republic and staying at the Dreams resort. There is a small coral reef just off the beach and I …

Scuba Diving Without An Open Water Certification Not rated yet
Hi, My husband and I are going to a FL wedding and the bride and groom rented a boat for the wedding party to go diving. They are both certified, …

Scuba Diving and Wetsuits in Bonaire Not rated yet
Hi, Is a 4mm wetsuit too warm to wear in Bonaire to scuba dive? Hi, First, I'm jealous. Wish I was going with you. As far as your question, …

All Inclusive Resort In Yucatan, Mexico That Includes Scuba Diving Not rated yet
Hi, Cool site by the way. I saw that you mentioned all-inclusive where diving is included. We have a group of 11 that are going to the Yucatan in Mexico …

Scuba Diving Equipment Purchase For Beginners Not rated yet
I have a question about buying scuba diving equipment for beginners. My son and I are getting certified in April and our first post certification dives …

Nightlife, Scuba Diving And All-Inclusives Vacations: Where Can I Find It All? Not rated yet
I am returning from Afghanistan and would love to take a great vacation with my husband. It is our anniversary also so we want to do some other activities. …

Number Of Dives A Day - How Many Scuba Dives Can You Do? Not rated yet
Hi, I would like to know if there is a limit on how many dives a day you can do while scuba diving? Hi, Thanks for the question. I guess technically …

Beyond Bonaire: Shore Diving In The Caribbean Not rated yet
We have gone scuba diving and done shore diving in Bonaire several times. Unfortunately, my wife gets sea sick at the drop of a hat. We would like …

Scuba Diving Resort Course and Recognition Not rated yet
I took a scuba diving resort course in Grand Cayman last year and did 3 dives. I am headed to St. John this January and am wondering if that resort …

Blood Presure Measurement during SCUBA Diving Not rated yet
Hey guys, I have been trying to figure out how exactly to go about measuring blood pressure responses to SCUBA diving. I have looked into automatic …

Scuba Diving Safety: Can I Dive With Asthma? Not rated yet
Hi, I am Asthmatic but I was wondering if I would be able to go scuba diving when I go on holiday next year? Hi Liam, Thanks for getting in touch. …

Long Term Effect of the Bends (Decompression Illness) From Scuba Diving Not rated yet
Having suffered from the bends, I would like to know if there are any long term side effects, ie mental effects, spasms? Hi Berenice, Sorry to hear …

Proper Size For Open Heel Fins and Booties Not rated yet
After many years I am getting back into snorkeling in the Florida Keys. I like the open heel fins w/booties for the hard coral areas for shore diving …

Is Scuba Diving Expensive? How Much Does It Cost To Dive? Not rated yet
I did the scuba diving resort course for 90 dollars in Cancun. And I love it. I did have some problems with my buoyancy control, but I know I can improve. …

Minimum Age for Scuba Diving Certification Not rated yet
How old do you have to be to go scuba diving? Hi, The minimum required age for scuba diving is a question I get asked quite a bit. I like getting …

Cost of Scuba Diving Lessons Not rated yet
What is the average cost for scuba diving lessons? Hi, As you can imagine, this isn't a very easy question to answer as there is a wide range of …

Swimming Requirement for Scuba Diving Certification Not rated yet
Do you have to be a swimmer to try scuba diving? Hi Arleen, In short - yes, you need to know how to swim in order to try scuba diving. However, you …

All Inclusive Resorts That Include Scuba Diving Not rated yet
Hi there, I've been to the all inclusive resorts Breezes in Curacao and Breezes in Jamaica which offer unlimited free diving. Do you know of any other …

Rules for Boaters and Scuba Divers Not rated yet
I am a boater and would like to know what the rules are regarding boaters and scuba divers. If there are scuba divers in the water should the divers be …

Snorkeling: How many People Snorkel? Not rated yet
How many people snorkel? Wow, Andrea, that is one tough question. At least with the question, How many people scuba dive? , I could get a ballpark …

Depth Limits for Recreational Divers Not rated yet
How deep can a recreational diver go and still be safe? Is there a depth limit for recreational divers? Hi Kelley, A recreational diver should …

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Diving and Contact Lenses Not rated yet
Can I dive while wearing contact lenses? I wear soft lenses. Hi Marjorie, I dive while wearing soft disposable contact lenses all the time and …

Scuba certification vs. scuba resort course Not rated yet
Hello. My girlfriend and I are going to Grand Cayman and plan on doing some scuba diving. I'm still kinda unsure whether we have to get certified to dive …

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