Received My Scuba Diving Certification In Cozumel

by Sue Dibbs

Hi Smiles! I love your site and was practically memorizing it prior to my Cozumel trip...I NOW KNOW WHY you call it Smiles! I have had a great big smile on my face ever since I got my Open Water certification 4 days ago! :)

I am 50 years old and my sister has been asking me for 30 yrs to get certified but I kept declining due to drowning phobia and sun sensitive skin--finally did a pool trial and loved it. Stayed at Iberostar next to Occidental--taxi boat every morning brought me to Dive
Palancar--had 1:1 instruction due to low census.

The dives are amazing and it is so cool to have a new hobby for the second half of my life!

I'm still a little nervous and I wonder if I will calm down as I gain you know any divers who never get over the fear but still dive? I hope it lessens as I get more experience.

The most primitive parts of my brain will always have a healthy respect for the risks...I just want to feel entirely calm from start to finish. I really love the underwater world and look forward to the next vacation,
hopefully with my sister!

Thanks Smiles, Scuba Sue

Hi Sue,

Thanks so much for getting in touch. I love hearing from people. I am s glad you found the site useful.

Congratulations on getting your certification. It is great isn't it? Cozumel is one of my favorite places to dive and am always looking forward to a trip back there.

Feeling a little fearful is common. It does get better the more you dive - so keep on diving. Once you have done more diving, you may still have some butterflies in your stomach before a dive, but that usually goes away once you are underwater again.

Thanks for getting in touch and congratulations! Welcome to the world of diving. Now the addiction starts. :)


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