by Bill McManus
(Memphis, TN, USA)
Imagine a ski slope with freshly fallen powder. The slope is steep - perhaps 45-degrees. Bordering both sides of the slope aren't trees however, but coral ridges!
The top of the slope is at 60 feet or so. the bottom, well, it just keeps going! This is but one of the fantastic views of the best site I've dove.
Others: Two of the anchors from the nearby Kittiwake, impressive sights by themselves - contrasting with the white sand "above" the chute; A very impressive wall ridge between 50-100 feet (with a view of much greater depth); A nice reef with all the requisite wildlife to view while getting to or from the chute; Garden eels in the sand, and finally, the near-limitless viz the island is known for.
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the description of these dive sites in Grand Cayman. They all sound wonderful. I really loved diving in Grand Cayman and can't wait to go back. We've always had great visibility when we dove there, there is really nothing like it.
We've dove and stayed on both sides of the island and they both have something to offer. Our stay on the East End was more of a dedicated dive trip while when we stay on Seven Mile Beach we dive along with other activities. It is a great island for relaxation, beach lounging and of, course, diving.
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