Dive Computer Review: Aeris Manta

by Brittany K.
(New York)

I'd like to contribute a review of my dive computer to your site. I recently purchased this dive computer and couldn't be happier. I am a pretty new diver and on our dive trips (all 2 of them) I would either rent a computer or use the tables. Since I am planning to take more dive vacations, I figured I should make the investment and buy a dive computer.

The Aeris Manta had received some good reviews so I decided to go for it. The face is easy to read both underwater and on the surface. It displays all the main information you need on the main screen. You can use other screens to get more information.

The Aeris Manta can be used for nitrox also. I have yet to get certified for nitrox but I plan on doing so in the future so I wanted this feature.

This computer is also nice enough to wear as a regular watch. I wore it during the week when I was not diving. It has all the bells and whistles as a regular watch but I have yet to learn how to use all those functions.

Someone else on the dive boat had the same computer. He showed me a couple of functions since I haven't gotten through all the instructions. The other diver gave this dive computer a good review also.

I paid around $300 for this watch at Leisure Pro.

It is so liberating to have my own dive computer. No more dive tables for me. If you are thinking of purchasing a computer, I think you would be happy with this model.

Comments for Dive Computer Review: Aeris Manta

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Aeris Manta
by: Anonymous

Love the look of this dive computer ---and much like the earlier review I just read here on this site -- I hated it because of the complexity -- Like the previous reviewer I had to refer to the manual all the time just to check settings or adjust them.

too bad it's a good looking dive computer.and worked well once settings were in

Diver from Singapore

Bad Experience With Manta Aeris Dive Computer: A Review
by: Mark Vanderhaegen

Hi, I am a PADI dive instructor and an A.S.S.E.T. scuba technician.

Last year I purchased a Manta Aeris dive computer in Egypt and had it for one month.

For me it was a bad experience:
It is difficult to scroll through the menu's. I had to use the manual every day. It took me nearly 3 hours to set it from imperial to metrics.

It gave wrong information:
After a few weeks, it told me I was still underwater, while I was on land. First it gave me 4 meters of depth, half a hour later 8 meters, half an hour later 12 meters and so on.
I've heard about other divers with other problems with this computer.

Luckily, I could get my money back and bought a SUUNTO GEKKO. Easy to use and very reliable.

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